In collaboration with the development team we've partnered with:
All in one solutions for streamers (prototype in development) Mobile solutions for streamers (prototype in development) In regards to hardware from there I'm thinking about what content I make and why and what equipment would be best and what I can do to make it better. After research and development as I release information there will be detailed diagrams and explanations of process and equipment builds. I will release through this platform and Patreon as these things develop. In order to make things happen I have to be working a job until I have other means to pay my few bills and still save from there, so progress will be slow until it's not. These projects are also expensive but a passion so people can help now or pay later. Over time how ever everything we do will be given for free in some form. All this being said, I do production work and make music and will be creating learning material based around over all production and side hustles that have aided me through this process and kept me being my own boss while learning and creating. That and all other content will be released early through Patreon and elsewhere after the fact as an archive as new projects begin. This means content will release to different people at different times, will still aid us and paying for our keep and projects while still allowing us to give what we create away for ease of use or further development to the deserving public. Upcoming content: Equipment reviews Music video for "NOT A FRIEND" Project AFDA: A single with video to follow "The Inversion" - Studio album currently in the works "Taxidermy" - short horror film More music and random ideas as they are conceived. I also have a bit of land we are planning to put a workshop on and maybe space to host some kinds of events. This will benefit the surrounding OBKY area that is so hungry for something to do. Ideas are being thrown around but something really cool might happen very soon. Beyond that I will be doing a piece that I call Ambitious Procrastination (any work that isn't for myself) and I will be going to all sorts of friends I've discussed projects with already one at a time to hopefully make wholesome content out of producing their dreams with them and documenting it for the 10:20 (X:xx) platform. 10:20 (X:xx) is the network that looks like a brand but takes care of everyone. Love everyone and we are all humble for the massive support we've received from friends and family and thank you to anyone here on the internet that catches wind and decides to support the cause as well.
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