"...I added this image for dramatic affect."I'm pondering music in my free time today but I'm hyper focused on legitimate business in the same. I find I can survive with VERY little lately and I have the means to expand the blogs and podcast too. I'll have links very soon and I'll be covering topics I started and researched so I can write and discuss some useful topics in general. ...but I've been on quite a few adventures that I'll be brutally honest about in the near future. I'm back in writer mode and I'm finding some endurance already today as I move forward. During this time I've JUST started my coding class and the accent is taking some getting used to up front so I'm pre annoyed for no GOOD reason. I'm keeping out of trouble and staying productive which has been the best I can do lately but I have also done a lot of prep work to have multiple sources of income at once and I'm moving right now to see those opportunities through but to mind the "public" opinion I have a ton of very unique personal issues to sort through and in doing so have become abruptly and heavily anti social while I'm still moving forward none the less. I'm moving forward in life period however, I'm trying to do better and I have a lot of inspiration at the moment which is a weird turn of events in retrospect. There's been A LOT happening and that makes for the best stories anyway so I'll say it here and now so I don't hurt feelings, I've learned my lessons, if you think or thought we had or have some kind of beef, I'd bet money that we don't. All I can really do to keep busy is work right now so I'm getting to a point I can focus. Everything in my life is so unbalanced it's crazy BUT I have my own website, blog and voice and it's means to do more and I'm doing more as we speak I just need to balance it all out right now. Life happens really fast so I am both realizing more and more how little time I have to waste and how much time I can waste over focusing on the problems rather than solutions... SO, I'm trying to not waste time at all anymore though I'm very aware of the issues around me and continue to do what I can. I've had a lot of issues prioritizing which I can man up and admit and have probably missed some real opportunity over focusing on problems more than solutions but it feels that it is time to come back to this and move forward with some now finely tuned ideas and a few hard lessons under my belt! I will be as consistent as I can "publicly" until I can afford to do even more for others around me still. I have a hard, long road in learning how to make what I'm doing useful in the manner I'd ultimately like it to be. "...I just used filters over PNGs that I created from graphics I've drawn over time and too put the image here for dramatic effect as well as for promotional purposes now."
First off, the website has seen major updates and will see more along with Patreon for the next few months. I will also be looking into Fiver and Cameo so look for opportunities involving both outlets soon as well. I'll also be doing more with Tik-Tok and other social but will make another post about JUST that soon enough! A new month has begun and perks are already hitting harder than ever just in time for this season; see two new videos RIGHT NOW with more in production as we speak for just $5 a month over at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/10X_xx20 Also check out the "Dog BLOG" for new content with Bertha Maye right now: https://www.10xxx20.com/dog-blog ....and as new content wraps up and hits the internet (Patreon first) expect updates to the "Engineering Blog" regarding developments on "BattleBots" and what that will look like in the near future: https://www.10xxx20.com/developers-blog Also we will be talking about our new dive into drone development and how the two things relate right now. New content on YouTube now as well:
Don't forget there is also a brand new single in production RIGHT NOW!!!! This production was for October but quality takes time and real art will take on a life of its own! This production is still in FULL swing and I will talk more about it in a more finished state of being here soon. I am presently minding the advice of professionals and waiting out the current spike as well as the busy time of year due to the holidays. I won't risk myself, my team or others but still intend to make this music video happen and send a message through my art as I feel one should strive to do! Once the original song finishes I will consider debuting it while also considering there may be alternate versions for future release as well, All the seeds are planted now and together we shall see what grows! Take a quick listen and you'll get "BLOODY HOOKED"! Also, also, Don't forget the first single "Xenogenic" off my next official album "The Raven 13" is in production too and will bring us back to my own brand of horror and breath new life into my film work with more skill and a better team! Speaking of, I have three short films drafted as we speak too and as video productions take off again I will be looking to film those and get them into post as well: as time, money and pandemic allow me to do so of course! Also, also, also, I have written three novels (like no shit, I'm serious about that) and I will be finalizing the roughs ONE CHAPTER at a time and the ONLY place to view that will be PATREON until later in the future. You see how much shit I'm up to so don't expect this one to happen overnight and don't expect it for free.... Just $5 a month to get in on this before it's public and I can't say when that will be! Not to mention I still have the blog here to which I could post at any moment anyway, along with a mixtape that almost done, a second album on the way and a third already outlined and planned for with who knows how many b rolls and b sides making themselves in the process. I'm keeping busy, are you? I have just gotten started! Join the collective now and support reel development! Love everyone and pay it forward along the way!Music for money is the weirdest of them all but I love the depth it's brought me to. I Just feel even more open minded and it's forcing me to be healthier. I wish I could kick the health part in the ass but I have some good Halloween content to stay busy with next couple months and the extra year to prep for live and with a valid excuse which was probably needed in retrospect. Either way I'm up and at it again today with a full plate and a authentic and growing "fan-base" (you guys will always be much more than that to idiots like me) and for that, this morning I am both feeling reflective and grateful. I'm working harder than I ever have this year. I've pretty much cut out putting anything but air and my lungs and still having MINOR issues but I'm on the up and up right now. I'll start making appointments Monday and "The Raven 13" should be out soon-ish. Beats are coming along, I've started writing but I won't sell myself short this time. I've gotten complex and have some arrangements coming I didn't know I had in me. Slow and steady....
I will begin practice now for live and I am sitting down today at some point with a dongle and new software to learn how to turn my own custom graphics into vector files for programming my own laser show with my own hand crafted images. Easier to me than others and probably easier than it sounds upfront but it will be time consuming and I'll also sell myself short for that. While that's going I have over a dozen videos started and promo ideas to spread through out that contents. It's all moving and I'll talk more about it this week as I get some things set up first. I'm doing a whole lot. Once I learn the basics with the laser projector I will immediately learn basics using the "Black Magic" interface and we will immediately do a live broadcast and then I will do some finalizing for that stream and we'll talk live music show from an undisclosed location and I will happily assist other lucky (and local) artists in doing live productions and hopefully boost each other in our artistic endeavors. Some of you I've already offered spots. If you like what you're seeing at any point in time the offer stands. Hit me up at that point and we can discuss running a custom production and we will see how we can win together as artists doing separate but respectively similar work. Also in the works right now is an application for the "Battle Bots" 2021 season. Stay tuned for that, hopefully it will pan out! Love everyone and keep at it with me. WE are the collective and together WE can achieve greatness and TOGETHER we will. You know it makes sense on both a very physical and very measurable spectrum that repetition of ANY kind, especially over an elongated period of time will result in the progress you seek; IF of course you're actually working more than you're talking about it.
The laws of attraction are real in the same sense WIND or MASS HYSTERIA are real. Having eyes in the first place should have confirmed this. Nice people don't hang out with mean people unless mean people seem to be learning. That seems natural on a common sense spectrum. The internet is loaded with people making money all kinds of ways and people make hundreds of dollars a day doing VERY LITTLE "work". Reality is the more you do, the bigger the team you need to achieve certain goals. The bigger the team, the more mouths you have to feed. So, bigger company = bigger bills. Sales ultimately is creating a product and finding demand for it. If you're an actual ARTIST you will find there are SO MANY ways to make money. If you aren't making money, you aren't working hard enough. You'll find breaks in between and up front this shit is work like anything else that pays is and continually a learning curb. with the right amount of networking and attention paid I'll get it eventually and I love what I do so despite the amount of work I really do I never feel the need to brag about it because I start to feel like it's "free money." I'm working my ass off to accomplish my goals but here's the deal. I have drawn up plans, written proposals, have failed on ideas over and over, I have SKILLS not a SKILL and that's the difference between me and a LOT of people doing art / music. I can mix my skills to run a production I enjoy through a platform (Patreon right now) I think suits me and I'm starting to really get support from it and making money from art is as simple as that right there. If you're talking about making money and not just doing it, you're still missing a piece of the puzzle and this is the one that gets you paid. My vision IS NOT MONEY, I just understand the need for money to accomplish my personal goals while my aim for my audience is to give something back in return. If your goal is to just take, I watch people accomplish personal goals that way too but it really seems like it's a long lonely road of being an asshole on purpose and I'm good. I'm not trying to be an asshole really, it just happens that way. 🤷 My ultimate goal is to build a community for myself and to support myself and that community however I need to as bumps in the road continue to come in hot. Getting to do my art freely in my OWN STYLE is just a perk for being a creator that shares their vision. I'll be doing more here too so keep a lookout. ...it too will be A.D.D. as fuck but surely entertaining! Welcome to the NETWORK!I know exactly how I want to improve my marketing and it will be my next album I'll do it. I just knew if I put out one record I could do two so here we are. Thing is I'm a man of science who's basically found himself with a level of skill most others don't have. Now I'm basically this lab that needs to be rebuilt for my process with only random odds and ends to be pieced together and get me started.
It's not that I don't want to make money, it's just that some of this current music is too personal for me and now I'm to a point I feel I could just have a record going in the background at any given time and now that I've kind of learned a bit selling this current album and learning how people will respond I think I have a better ground for doing material that is both all mine from the ground up but still considers the audience that may or may not give it the time of day in the first place. This is how you learn. Getting names on your record is easy when WE ALL NEED MONEY RIGHT NOW. I recognize when I've overstepped my reach and need to learn, so I'm in a faze of learning when it comes to music but that is something I'll always keep going in the background now that I'm at where I am at skillswise. I'm making music for ME first which means my Genre is whatever I'm feeling on each song and sometimes I just like making random noise. I'll ALWAYS be learning though, that never stops. You're only a "MASTER" once you've realized your need for continuous growth in your craft. If you can write and record an album from the ground up though what makes me a musician if not JUST THAT! I played guitar, piano, a Korg, used many different means to capture different types of percussion some of which wasn't done electronically if you can believe it. I mean I literally made production methods up on the spot using just things around me because I liked the sound the things made. My skill CAN NOT be judged by sales/reach alone and in my first week I still made $30 with two preorders at that. That for someone who was selling exactly ZERO albums prior isn't bad at all. All that being said... Immediately I'm working heavily on making Patreon worth $5 and will be doing a lot there mixing art and hardware engineering skills to make a platform that teaches production and hardware integration skills by making content that can be easily followed along with using a DIY type of platform, giving 3D print files, schematics and ultimately detailed instructions on how to use all of it with open source technology to build and customize your own units using the source material on your own. 10X:xx20 is all me with handpicked teams to help when I need it so expect my platform to be as A.D.D. as I am and expect content to always be weird with a touch of darkness. Gotta say the project I'm using to fatten up Patreon will be pretty wholesome though. I'm literally animating Pixel art with my paying audience to build a virtual pet unit of my dog. You will get to see me animate, program, and build this thing all on my own over time with just these two hands and even help give input on development as I go. Then in the end you'll even be able to grab all the source material needed to build and customize your own unit. Then maybe me building custom units, or material kits to do it yourself, making it easier to learn with me without having to shop for components to do so can be a thing. Not to mention I like giving back so once I'm developed all kinds of free shit will get thrown around. Especially on Patreon! Once I have money coming in steady and merch and art laying around on a larger scale it'll be so easy for me to spoil my audience and I will never hesitate to. Really and truly I'm doing A LOT and support means everything right now. The sooner I can dedicate myself to this "platform" the sooner I start turning out some of this stuff faster. I know one thing though it will happen whether I have to pay for it myself or not. The more I do on my own though, the less I care to share with others so it is what it is. You know what I feel like... I'm this dumb old couch that "so and so" bought so no one wants to get rid of it. I'm also constantly being called ugly by all these people even though they refuse to get rid of me. So I started to relate to other ugly couches and it's then I realise the ugly couches can't help but point how "ugly" each other are when they're in a group. That would be despite the fact that all these couches ARE ugly or they wouldn't be flocking together.
Looking at this introspectively human beings, BEING the couches are just that, ugly... I've spent a lifetime trying to accept the fact nature just happens to be ugly unless we change our perspective. If I didn't joke about it I'd probably never smile and that's not to say I'm even "sad". I'm just cold and bitter like a lot of others are today. Why wouldn't we be? We should ALL be mad about something and no one issue is too important right now. I just know when I go through the motions because I don't like something about myself I'm immediately out to change it which requires some effort. I ALWAYS feel less of an ugly couch when I'm putting that effort in though. So I'm in the backyard digging a giant square of dirt for a food garden to become even healthier and produce goods for sale and trade. This is whilst I've made my first $30 from Patreon. It's all about stacking skills and resources, everything else happens naturally. I still don't know what moneys worth though when we're literally trading cotton for cotton at the end of the day. Being said... All that's going on in our "collective mindset" (being the general public from my news feeds perspective) and this being just random thoughts, honestly. I know we are all on the topic of privilege lately and my life story is probably long and sad, if not boring, so I won't go on about my hardships; like it's a pissing match but.... If we work harder on focusing on the things that make us "brighter" we are often blinded by that light and color seems to fade. When we work hard to solve a problem together from my experience it's hard to hate the man working his ass off beside me. It's REALLLLY easy to hate the fat manager who does nothing and bitches though... 🤷♂️ Maybe it's not picking cotton that makes one a "slave" but being forced to pick someone else's cotton that does. Maybe that's the whole point. We are ALL tired of doing the work for someone else to obtain materials we COULD obtain ourselves and be healthier for it. Maybe the money is blinding us from the fact we are all being manipulated by fat managers who are forcing us to bring them the resources we need in exchange for, wait for it.... COTTON! Which we trade for clothes to go to work in made of, COTTON! Then we realize hard work is important for a healthier happier life and we get inspired but lose progress because we don't want to be stuck doing it for some fat lazy asshole who can't do anything for himself. I'm just saying... I see a solution to a lot of this shit and it starts with a better class of people being in charge of ourselves. I mean, it's always "WE THE PEOPLE" until someone has to put forth effort. Maybe people just stop going to their "JOB" and start going to WORK for themselves? I mean... Imagine the whole country quits their nine to five starts personal gardens and shit and then runs a homestead. Imagine what would happen to the fucking system. Well it would just be crazy wouldn't it? That seems to be what people keep telling me though that's what everyone wants of themselves... Where does that collective mindset even begin where we've found ourselves today? I should be on 3 different singles soon once they are mastered so there's that. Still working on one single from the new album which I will be ready to release with the music video I've already started production on. Follow that up with some new beats and verses for a mixtape while catering to my super small Patreon audience and after that I will continue to cater to that audience while focusing on just finishing the new album. High hopes all this allows me to keep moving forward with new alliances to maybe push a team into pre production on the film I want to do but not before some music videos for this new album also leading into the music videos I want to film for "The Inversions" final form.
In light of the new album! |
AMBITIOUS PROCRASTINATION 3.0Staff @ X10:20xxEarn your X:xx's!
XJTxxArtist/engineer, writer, media production. Lead blogger @10:20. Founder of 10X:xx20 NETWORKS, lead director of operations. x
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